Pensamíento Crítico
ISSN 23958162 I www.pensamientocriticoudf.com.mx

Año 3 No 4

Tabla de contenidos

Producción y comercialización de materias primas para la construcción en Camerún: el caso de la arena Ebebda.

Joseph Nzomo Tcheunta1

Dany Rostand Dombou Tagne2

FSEG — University of Dschang, Cameroon

Páginas 7 - 19

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The cooperation and its function in the economic and social development

José Luis Bernal López 1

Tecnológico Nacional de México, Unidad Chimalhuacán

Páginas 20 - 29

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The position taken by the highest mexican court in relation to the application of the Rebus Sic Stantibus clause, in circumstances of economic crisis, is violation of human rights?

Rosalba Yael Martínez Hernández 1

Lizette Rodríguez Gutiérrez 2

Universidad del Distrito Federal, Campus Santa María

Páginas 30 - 41

html   pdf

The Technology as a competitive element for development of business organizations

Luis Enrique Soto Muciño 1

ESIME Azcapotzalco - IPN.

Raúl Reyes Reynoso 2

SEPI ESIME Azcapotzalco, IPN

Benjamín Infante Mendoza 3


Páginas 42 - 64

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